Johnny sure knows how to cook chicken right! I’m usually more of a chicken tenders kind of girl, mainly because I don’t like having to worry about getting the meat off the bones. This half chicken is so tender and moist that I had no trouble at all finding delicious hunks of meat that were falling off and ready to eat.
Let me tell you: this is a lot of meat! I knew a half chicken would be big but I was surprised by how much white meat was packed on. Definitely enough for more than one person. Or if you don’t want to share, save some for later and you’ll have another great meal.
Some customers worry that this chicken is too pink to be safe to eat. Actually, the meat is cooked to a proper 165 degrees, until the juices run clear and the joints move freely– two signs of fully-cooked chicken. Jill explained that the smoking process can leave very distinct pink rings on the meat. Any pink you find in this chicken is just proof of how well it’s been smoked. As Jill assured me, “We’re using real science to cook your chicken; we’re not just wingin’ it!”
Today I paired the chicken with Johnny’s potato salad. I found it to be the perfect balance of hearty potato chunks and crispy onions. Also, you don’t have to worry about being overwhelmed with mayonnaise. Del-icious!
mmm! everything looks so good on your blog! yummy.